About CambridgeIC
CambridgeIC’s team started developing resonant inductive position sensing technology in 1995. We design sensors that are built from PCBs, which makes them precise, robust, suited to harsh environments and cost effective.
Unlike normal inductive position sensors, our technology detects moving targets that include a resonant circuit. This delivers higher performance, so big gaps and misalignment between sensor and target are possible.
The electronic processing for resonant inductive position sensors is particularly challenging. This was the motivation for the formation of CambridgeIC in 2007. We developed the world’s first stand-alone processing chip for resonant inductive sensors. Customers buy processing chips from CambridgeIC, embed them inside their products and connect them to their choice of sensor. We have developed a range of standard linear, rotary and arc sensor designs that customers can have manufactured themselves using standard PCB fabs.
Our customers are designers of intelligent electromechanical products seeking an innovative edge. Their products are manufactured in high volumes, so they need to be simple to manufacture and cost effective. As electronics becomes cheaper it is the cost of mechanical parts that comes to dominate. Our products help customers create product designs with simpler mechanics, by eliminating unnecessary bearings, couplings and seals, and by keeping motor sizes to a minimum. Typical applications include automotive, medical, factory automation, lab automation, marine and robotics.
Our success has been recognised with two Queen’s Awards for International Trade, won in 2016 and 2018. Most importantly we have helped hundreds of product designers build better products, and there are millions of these in use worldwide today.